Tuesday, January 23, 2007

My Lobotomy is now available for preorders from Amazon.com



Kathlene B. LaCour and Craig S. Judd said...

I have used your interview on NPR in my Intro to Psy class. Many students want to know if there has been any known cognitive change from your lobotomy?

Steve Packard said...

Hi, Mr. Dully. I listened to your NPR story and I found it very moving. I'm thinking this will be the next book on my list to read.

I too run a blog and get frustrated with few comments. It's annoying because it makes it seem like I'm talking to a vacuum, but what I have noticed is once a few comments get posted people will post more. It's as if nobody wants to be the first one to start it, but once it's a bandwaggon they start rolling. If you get a good readership it'll eventually catch.

I want to ask you something about your procedure: Have you ever been evaluated by a neurologist or other professional to assess exactly what sort of damage had been done and the extent of the possible effects?

I think it's understandable if you'd be apprehensive of the medical profession at this point, given the past...

You do not sound in the audio or your writings like you are unfeeling, "spacey" or in any way different from anyone else. You throw in some tongue-in-cheek humor and clearly are very well spoken.

Perhaps this can be attributed to the remarkable ability of the brain to adapt, especially in youth. At age 12, the brain is not entirely developed and can "rewire" itself to compensate for injuries in a sometimes surprising way.

Perhaps this is something you may want to look into. I think you may come to find out that, by virtue of the human brain's ability to adapt, you may have regained much of what was taken from you...

I'm not a doctor and I don't know, but I wish you the very best...